About Me

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Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
I am a friend, a daughter, a mother, a student, a teacher, I'm lost and probably always will be, and I'm okay with that. As far as I'm concerned-if I ever find my way I'll have nothing left to look for.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Love Hurts

So here I am. Stuck in the middle of the most amazing and difficult thing I've ever gone through in my entire life-and its only just begun. I am a bottomless pit of emotion these days. They say its not healthy to keep it in. I'm not always great with opening up in front of people, I do much better in writing. I guess I don't like people to see me cry, but I'm quickly getting over that. So I figured maybe this would be therapeutic for me.

I've got so much on my mind that I can't even think of what to say. The only thing that comes to mind is that I miss my son. Its so simple, but the emotions that come with that are anything but. I've never felt a pain like this in my life. Its the inexplicably worse than the worst heartbreak I've ever experienced. Ever. 6 days ago I discovered just how much love my heart could hold, 4 days later I discovered just how painful that love can be.

It was an unexpected pregnancy. I am in no position to raise a child, at least not to my standards. Every child deserves the best, but when it comes to mine I will not settle for anything less. I want my child to be able to experience life to the fullest. To have all the endless opportunities that I had growing up. He deserves to have a stable, loving family. A comfortable life. I have very high expectations as to the kind of mother I want to be for my children, and I am not able to be that person right now. I can't give my baby everything I want for him. Coming to terms with that was the first step.

I decided to place my son up for adoption, pretty early on in my pregnancy. I decided on an open adoption; I choose the family, establish a relationship with them which will carry on throughout my child's life. The idea behind an open adoption is that the child will know where they came from. They will have the opportunity to have a relationship with their birth family from the very beginning. While this is a relatively new concept to adoption, its gaining a lot of recognition as it a wonderful alternative to closed adoptions. Most people probably think that the process of choosing adoption, choosing a family etc would be difficult. That was not my experience. Honestly, it was probably the easiest thing I've ever done (especially in relation to this experience). Once I found out there was a life inside of me, I loved it. I wanted the best for it, and the only way I was going to figure out what "the best" was, was to look upward. So that is what I did. I prayed, and prayed, and prayed some more. God took over from there. Within a month or so I had found an amazing family, and it didn't take long before I felt at complete peace with my decision. That was the easy part.

Pregnancy was scary, for a worry wart such as myself. Giving birth was by far the most terrifying thing I've ever gone through. (I don't care what they say, there's nothing natural about it.) But once you hold your child in your arms for the first time, you truly do forget all about it. I can't even find the words to express how it feels to look into the face of a child that God created, and entrusted you with. There is nothing like it. Its the most beautiful thing I've ever felt. To realize that you are in complete control of another human being's life is an incredibly humbling feeling. God must have a lot of faith in me to have given me such a precious piece of life. I got to spend 4 days in the hospital with my baby. 4 wonderful days. He's perfect. I would stay up all night just so I could hold him in my arms while he slept. I knew I wouldn't have many opportunities to do so, I took full advantage of it. It's amazing how much you can love someone you just met. He was absolutely beautiful. The man of my dreams, and he broke my heart.

Handing him to his parents wasn't the hard part. In fact, I loved seeing them with him. I loved to see how their faces lit up when they held him. They've been waiting for a child for a couple years. To be able to give them this gift was incredible. Not just them, but their entire family. To be able to give the first grandson, the first nephew...it was awesome. There are now so many people in this world who love this little child, he's going to be spoiled with love. This whole thing has been a blessing in so many ways. My relationship with the adoptive parents is more amazing than I ever thought it would be. We started as strangers, quickly became friends, and are now family. We are incredibly compatible, literally like soul mates. I truly believe that God had this all planned out from the beginning, because its turned out to be a flawless masterpiece. They're going to be awesome parents, and I'm going to be a part of my son's life. He's going to know me from the very start! How cool is that? I get to see my little man several times a year, buy him things, spoil him rotten, then give him back to his parents! Tons of my family came to the hospital to meet my baby and to meet his new family. They all got along perfectly. Everyone loves everyone, and they all love my son. It's incredible. This child is going to have an awesome awesome life. I'm willing to pay the price for that.

...but the price is high. Here I sit, unable to go 20 minutes without crying. Like I said, realizing my inadequacy as a parent, choosing adoption, finding a family, those were the easy parts. Lying in bed at night remembering the beautiful little boy I held in my arms is the hard part. I have no regrets. I have no doubts or concerns. I just miss him so much. Its an indescribable pain. I close my eyes, and I see his face. I feel like a part of me has died. I hate this feeling. I want to be happy. I want to be happy for my son, because he's perfect in every way. I want to be happy for his family, because this is the happiest moment of their lives. I want to be happy for my family because they have a new baby to love, and I want to be happy for myself, for being a part of something so incredible...but all I can feel right now is the pain. It's overwhelming. Deep down inside I know it will get easier with time. One day I will be able to look at his picture and not break down into tears. I'm in a dark place right now, and that's unfortunate because there is so much beauty around me. Love doesn't even seem like a big enough word to describe how I feel for my baby Keegan. Whatever this feeling is, its the most beautiful, wonderful, wretched feeling I've ever felt.

...I thought letting things out was supposed to make you feel better. I guess that takes time too.

Thanks for listening.


  1. Sarah, I'm here for you 24/7. I mean that. Text me or call me whenever you feel like it... I'm here for you. What you described about everyone loving everyone, that's TRUE community right there and I don't think you could have anything better in this situation. I'll continue to pray but remember, I'm here for you whenever you need it. 24/7. Really. Love you Sarah!

  2. Sarah, good for you! It's good to get your feelings out. Don't hesitate to lean on those around you...take them up on their offers. You don't have to go thru this alone. I am so proud of you and how you've handled this from the beginning. You are amazing and I love you!

  3. I second what your mom said!

  4. Sarie- I too am very proud of you and am in awe of your courage. Your message here brought tears to my eyes because being a mother myself I know about the LOVE you speak of. It’s truly a gift from God – A Mother’s Love is like no other, it’s unconditional, it scared and even though at times it may seem like a curse it’s truly a gift from God. He gives us Mothers this special gift and until you become a Mother you really don’t understand it. Hopefully now you have a deeper insight into why Moms do what they do!  If you can imagine the amount of love you have for Keegan, God has that amount times infinity for you. My prayer for you is that you keep up your spirit and know that you have lots of people in your life that love you and are here for you if needed. God really does have a plan for you. Please trust in Him. He will never let you down as long as you place your trust in Him. I know this for I have experienced His love first hand. Please know we are here for you and support you in any way we can and love you very much.

  5. Sarah I would like to tell you what I witnessed on the day Keegan was born. First I got to see my daughter become a mother and have a beautiful baby boy! I got to see everybody swoon over this precious child that you brought into this world, and everyone fell in love with him from the moment they saw him. I know this was a bittersweet moment for you, knowing what was to come….but still all I could see in your eyes was the love for Keegan. I just wish you could understand how proud I am of you, not just because of how well you have handled this situation, but because of the wonderful young woman that you have grown to be. No father could ever be more proud of his daughter than I am of you. Your capacity for unconditional love is overwhelming. I watch you put aside all your wants and desires to make sure Keegan has all that he could possibly want. I watch you suffer through the pain and heartbreak to ensure the future of your beautiful baby. Watching you go through all of this is the most heartbreaking and amazing thing that I have ever seen. I know it hurts, and I know it’s a pain that I may never completely understand. As a father it tears my heart apart to see you suffering and not be able to fix it for you, but try to see that inside this pain there is beauty. There is the beauty of a mother so in love with her child that she sacrifices herself to give the best for her child. There is the beauty of the precious gift that you are giving to Matt and Eunice. There is the beauty of the new family that you are bringing into yours…and yours into theirs. There is the beauty of the things you have taught those around by your actions. Most important there is the beauty of LOVE. All of this happened because of love, that most powerful selfless love that you have for Keegan. You have done a good and wonderful thing, don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise. You have given the gift of love to your child and given the gift of love to Matt and Eunice….and between you and them…your family and theirs…this child will have all the love it could ever desire. Aside from all of this beauty there is still the sadness to deal with, I know you may not believe it but this sadness will fade and be replaced by joy. As you watch Keegan grow up and see what a fine young man he becomes…you will see and know that it happened because of the love you have for him at this very moment…you will see that your sacrifice was not in vain. You will be filled with pride for him just as I am for you…you will see that you did the right thing. The sadness will fade and there will be nothing left but love. You have a lot of wonderful people around you to lean on…let us help in any way we can. We can listen to you..we can cry with you. You’re not going through this alone, your mother and I…along with everyone around you are here for whatever you may need. I hope you feel from us the same UNCONDITIONAL love that you have for Keegan. I love you Sarah and am so so proud of you…..Dad
